Making Conversation
These words and phrases will help you converse with locals.
Hello/Goodbye: Ciao (chow)
Good morning: Buongiorno (bu-on-jour-no)
Good evening: Buonasera (bu-on-a-say-ra)
How are you?: Come sta? (ko-may va?)
Please: Per favore (per fav-or-ray)
Thank you: Grazie (gra-tsee)
Yes: Sì (see)
No: No (no)
I don’t know: Non lo so (non lo so)
What is your name?: Come si chiama? (koh-meh see kee-ah-mah)
My name is…: Mi chiamo... (mee kee-amo...)
Excuse me: Mi scusi (mee skoo-see)
Do you speak English?: Parla Inglese? (par-la een-glay-say?)
I don’t speak Italian: Non parlo Italiano (non par-lo ital-ee-ah-no)
I don’t speak Italian very well: Non parlo italiano molto bene (non par-lo ital-ee-ah-no mol-to beh-nay)
Could you say that again, please?: Potrebbe ripetere, per favore? (po-tre-bay ree-peh-teh-reh per fa-vawr-ay)
Looking for an authentic dining experience? These phrases will help you out!
Can we wait (for a table)?: Possiamo aspettare (per un tavolo)? (poss-ee-amo as-pett-ah-ray per oon ta-va-lo?)
What do you recommend?: Che cosa mi consiglia? (ko-sa mee kon-sihl-ya?)
I am vegetarian: Sono vegetariano/a (soh-noh veh-jeh-tah-ree-ah-noh/ah)
Check, please: Il conto, per favore (il kon-to, per fa-vor-ay)
Cheers!: Salute! (Saw-lutay)
I would like...: Vorrei… (vohr-reh)
Find the places you need to go while in Italy.
Where is...?: Dov’è il/la...? (doh-veh eel/lah)
Excuse me (passing through a crowd): Permesso (pehr-mehs-soh)
Airport: L’aeroporto (lah-eh-roh-poor-toh)
Train station: Stazione ferroviaria (lah stah-tzee-oh-neh)
Bus: Autobus (ouw-toh-bus)
Stop (bus, train): Fermata (fer-mah-tah)
Ticket: Biglietto (beel-yet-toh)
Restaurant: Ristorante (rees-toh-rahn-tee)
Bathroom: Bagno (bahn-yoh)
Bank: Banca (bahn-kah)
ATM: Bancomat (bahn-koh-maht)
Hopefully, you will not need to use any of these phrases on your trip, but just in case:
I’m lost: Mi sono perso/a (mee so-no per-so / mee so-no per-sa)
Please call an ambulance!: Chiami un'ambulanza, per favore! (kee-ah-mee oon-am-boo-lahn-zah per fah-voh-reh)
Please call the police!: chiama la polizia, per favore! (kee-ah-mee lah poh-lee-tsee-ah per fah-voh-reh)
I need to see a doctor: Devo andare da un medico (de-vo an-day-ray da oon me-dee-ko)
Is there a hospital near here?: C'è un ospedale da queste parti? (chay oon os-pay-da-lay da kwes-tay par-tee)
Now that you know some Italian, it's time to book a trip to Italy. Contact Brentwood Travel today!
Call 314-439-5700 or email us!
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