Joanie has been with Brentwood Travel since 2014 by way of a personal referral from the Hospitality and Tourism Associate Professor at St. Louis Community College (STLCC). After retirement from AT&T in 2013, she enrolled in the travel program at STLCC with the assistance of educational benefits as a military veteran. She was awarded the Brentwood Travel Robert and Ruth Lurie Endowed Scholarship as a student at St. Louis Community College, which provides financial assistance to selective future travel consultants. The award is in honor of owner Stephanie Turner's parents.
She enjoys being a Travel Consultant because it allows her to absorb a plethora of knowledge during the planning process for clients. Researching new destinations allows her an opportunity to share in her clients' family time, celebratory moments or just a much needed get away moment. Her ultimate goal is to make their travels memorable.
Joanie’s favorite travel destinations are Montego Bay, Negril and Ocho Rios, which are all in Jamaica. Each holds fond memories and are equally her favorite destinations. “Jamaica is for travel enthusiasts, because it’s only three hours away from select U.S. cities. There are a multitude of all-inclusive resorts, tourist attractions, a cruise line terminal, and picturesque mountains. If you’re seeking to baste in the sunshine, view a beautiful ocean laced with sandy beaches, experiencing local culture, fun tours & activities, adventure, picture perfect sunrises & sunsets, delicious food, shopping or want to discover the local history…come visit Jamaica MON!”
When Joanie isn’t traveling, you can find her volunteering for veterans events, St. Louis nonprofits and community organizations.